
on Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Henry "Henny" Luu said...

Content: The Evidence was clear and everything was planned perfectly. Your Vocabulary in podcast is appropriate for any ages, the flow of the podcast was amazing. The sound affects was cool, it's matches the Podcast that you're making. The P.S.A was understandable, it was a big success.
Point: 8.5

Delivery: It's kinda rough but I understand anyway. It's was hard to hear on the first place but the sound effect and music makes it easy to listen to in the second place.
Point: 2

Music and Sounds effects: The Music was great, I love it when you put the song What Are Words, it's suit with the podcast and the song "I Need A Doctor" help it pump the podcast, and suit with the screen that you're podcast. The sound effects was incredible, it's really nice and flow to the work.
Points: 6

Technical Production: it's was not really clear at the first point but it's make through when it's more clearer at the end of the podcast. Most of all, the P.S.A is really cool.
Points: 5

Preview: It's cool and I think it's really incredible.

Total Points 21.5

Mary Tran said...

Content: Everything was really focused on the topic that you created and nothing was going off topic. Because your audiences are teachers and parents so your vocabulary was really appropriate. Your sound effects were super awesome, especially the flushing toilet one ;) They really fitted the topic, purpose and audience.

Delivery: The conversations and narrations were all smooth and well-rehearsed. Different voices of different people weren't really clear.
e.g: The transitions from one person to another person weren't really professionally done because the tone and the volume were up and down.
Your grammar was good and every member's expression was pretty enthusiastic, too.

Music: Your music was really suitable. The songs that you chose really fitted with the situation.
e.g: When you guys talked about the symptoms of the students who got sick because of studying too hard, you used "I Need A Doctor" which was super suitable and awesome! :]

Technical Production: Like I mentioned before, the transitions were not very clear. The volume was sometimes either too loud or too low. Overall, you guys did a great job because even though the length of the audio was a bit too long, it covered everything you needed to include in your PSA.♥

I think it deserves a 20/25 :]

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