on Thursday, January 20, 2011
Explain how you used the principles of design in your digital poster. Use specific "descriptive" words in your explanation.

White Space:
The white spaces in my poster are pretty spread out equally. The top, middle and bottom part have kind of equal space. The poster doesn’t look too crowded, but also not too lonely.

Focal Point:
My focal point is my title, and I made it right in the middle of the poster. Big and clear! I make my title kind of round to make it more special. Underneath the title, I put a tag line to make it more attractive. Also, I made the “50% of for each rides” very big, clear and in red “bubble” because I want to emphasize to them that the park is in sale and they should come fast.

Fantastic Fonts:
For each part I use different kind of fonts. I use many fonts to make the poster more creative, more attractive and it won’t make the readers get bored. For some of them, I used WordArt to create the font because WordArt has many great fonts. Also, the way that the texts are arrangement would have to fit with the kind of font I’m using. I used Bold and Italic to emphasize my point more.

Display Balance:
My poster doesn’t guide the readers to read from where to where, but when they look at it, they can figure out themselves that they would read the middle first, because it’s the biggest word, then read the “bubbles” around it. I arrange the picture, bubbles and the texts almost parallel to each other. I didn’t make the poster look too at the right, or too at the left, it looks all in the middle.

Simple is nice: My poster is not very simple, but it doesn’t look messy. I used only one picture in my poster. I used only one kind of bubble to write my information in. But I used a lot of colours, fonts.

Color Correctly: I think my combination of colors is great. My background is very light, so I made all of my words, texts dark and clear. For each information, I used different color to make it more specific and would emphasize itself more, also make it more visualize.

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